Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to apply for a decent job at 16 years old?

I am turning 16 in about 2 weeks, and I am looking to get a job right away. I talked to my dad and he says that I may need some work papers from the town that at least proves my birthday and age. Thanks for all the answers.|||Yes you do need those papers could either get them from your city hall or your school / high school or whereever you are ! ...Usually companys do not take 16 year olders ..they usually go for 18 or above now ..but you could try going to a Mcdonalds or something ..or maybe walmart etc. Hope this helps ..good luck on your new job !|||Check with your Guidance Counselor, first! A lot of times, Doctor%26#039;s offices or other local businesses will contact high schools regarding available after school or weekend employment. This is a great way to get your foot in the door in a professional enviornment, rather than going the retail or hospitality route. Working papers can usually be obtained right in your high school guidance office, or main office. When you go in to whatever location you decide is right for you, remember - dress neatly (no jeans, shorts, t-shirts, or flip flops). Dress as you would for church, or a family wedding. Look your future employer in the eye and introduce yourself. Know the company, or business, that you are applying to. Have at least 3 references - since you don%26#039;t have a previous work history, I would recommend teachers, counselors, or other professional people that can recommend you. Don%26#039;t chew gum. Be sure to come prepared with an explanation as to why you want to work there - don%26#039;t say for the money. Perhaps, it is to learn about business, or to begin obtaining office skills such as typing, filing, etc.

Good luck and Congratulations!|||You%26#039;ll need a work usually get that from your school. Being in school, you can only work a certain amount of hours.

I suggest applying at local restaurants. Also, depending on what size city you live in, many civil service jobs might be library helper, recreational helper...check it out!|||try McDonalds.. they%26#039;re always hiring and looking for teens, 16 and up.. good luck, hope u get a job soon!|||Depends in Ohio you need a work permit signed by your parents but your only allowed to work so many hours during the week.|||if ur 15 u need a workers permit. when ur 16 u prolly just need ur license to verify age. but it might be different for your state

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