Friday, July 16, 2010

How do I get a job as a casual postal carrier?

I was told the post office isn%26#039;t having a test for full time mail carriers for a while, but I should look into casual work. My question is: How do I find out if they are hiring casual workers? The post office website never seems to update the job section. SHould I just walk into several post offices in my area and ask the manager? If anyone works for the post office and can give me any info, that would be great!|||It depends on where you live. If you live in a small town with only one post office I would go in and ask them, if that is not where you apply they should be able to tell you where. If you live in a big city then look in the phone book in the blue government pages. They should have a number listed for employment information. You will get a recorded message telling you what positions they are hiring for and where. At least that is the way it is in my district, but the city I live in is where the Post Office%26#039;s District offices are located. The country is split up into 90 different Post Office Districts, so each District may have a different method of doing it, I%26#039;m not sure. If you don%26#039;t find anything listed call 1-800-275-8777, they should be able to direct your call.

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